University of Southern California
B.S. in Computer Science, Expected 2022 (3.69)
- Software, Systems, OS, Compilers, Networking, Professional C++
- Topology, Linear, Differential, Probability, Algorithms, Functional
Montgomery Blair High School
Math and Science Magnet Program, Graduated 2018
- Software Design, AI in LISP, Graphics, Logic, Quantum
- Mathematical Physics, Differential, Complex, Linear, Calculus
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Grammars
- Distributed
Susquehanna International Group
| Software Developer Intern
Summer 2021
Developed a full-stack solution for viewing firm-wide order flow across multiple formats, representations, and databases.
Designed an extensible, module-based backend architecture with separate configuration, runtime, and endpoint handler stages.
Provided deeply configurable frontend components that can be reused across backends.
Created a general-purpose, SQL-like query language with translators for TimescaleDB, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch.
Built a query editor with contextual syntax highlighting, backend-specific autocompletion, and transparent error reporting.
| Software Developer Intern
Summer 2020
Implemented a code action framework for the Blazor tooling environment for Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.
Wrote several refactoring code actions for Blazor components using the framework.
Developed additional backend refactoring functionality for Blazor components.
Sierra Nevada Corporation
| Full Stack Software Developer
Summer 2019
Led the design and development of CAWP, a software vulnerability aggregation tool packaged with features
including an independent vulnerability knowledge-base and a CSV/PDF report generator.
Developed an efficient AWS data-lake visualization tool for use in commercial applications with high throughput.
Georgetown University
| Intern Software Developer
Summer 2018
Contributed to the design and implementation of
AvesTerra, a graph knowledge representation
framework intended to advance big-data research in the scientific community.
Developed a client package for querying knowledge servers with multi-threaded request pooling and object-oriented entity wrapping.
Cipher Tech Solutions
| Intern Software Developer
Summers of 2015 and 2016
Prototyped a disk imaging software capable of simultaneously performing triage so that operatives in the
field can respond quickly to new information on captured media. Now available as
Developed reverse engineering toolkit for detecting malicious C/C++ binaries based on compiler patterns.
Research & Academics
| Head Teaching Assistant
Spring 2019 to Present
Leading 15-30 course staff for 150-300+ students in our C++ algorithms & data structures core major requirement.
Developing Curricula, a scalable framework
that facilitates modular assignment composition, sophisticated automated grading patterns, and submission report generation.
Developing Curricula Web, which features a submission system with asynchronous validation and autograding, office hours ticketing with interactions and analytics, and a modernized content distribution platform that improves student QOL.
ADS Simplex Project
| Intern Researcher
Summer 2017
Contributed to research by Dr. Michael Robinson
on the application of simplicial homology to big data analysis.
Worked toward developing a simplicial model that could predict whether subjects were at risk of
drug or alcohol abuse based on data ranging from FMRI scans to patient and parent surveys.
- 2018-22 National Merit Honors Scholar
- 2018-22 USC Presidential Scholarship