My name is Noah Kim
I am a software developer based at the University of Southern California Los Angeles. I have a passion for software design and development, as well as project coordination and management. Feel free to check me out on the web or email me at .
Also be sure to check out my most recent project, Stratless.
What I'm up to
These days I am either wrapped up TA'ing for CSCI 104, one of USC's biggest core track computer science courses, or working on Graduate, a project centered on semester scheduling and 4-year course planning I hope to bring to market. Alongside those, I'm also working on all sorts of open source projects as well as writing a book on the relationship between writing and programming. Whenever I get a chance to unplug myself from the Matrix, I like to spend time working out, rollerblading, and drumming.
I have the most experience with Python 3 and have done a lot of work with libraries including Django, Flask, Requests, Numpy, and Scipy. I've also worked extensively with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as popular frameworks such as Angular and Vue, with which I typically use SCSS and TypeScript. I have a strong knowledge of Swift, C/C++, Java, C#, and unfortunately, PHP. I can also use MySQL, Postgres, and NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
If you'd like to mess around with some of my old projects, you can head over to the live corner.
More about me!
While I haven't had a lot of time to play recently, my favorite games are, without a doubt, Battlefield 4 and CS:GO. However, I'd be remiss not to mention Crash Bandicoot and the original Star Wars Battlefront II. I'm also a huge fan of music, and will absolutely listen to just about anything you could recommend. Follow me on Spotify! Besides rollerblading, I also love longboarding and skiing. I've also started playing tennis recently, but it's going to be quite some time until I can brag about that.
To see my full resume, head over here.